About Atlanta Checker Cab
Atlanta Checker Cab has been serving Atlanta and the Metro Atlanta area since 1947. Beyond passenger transport, Atlanta Checker Cab services also includes rush package delivery, corporate accounts, and the convenience of accepting major credit cards. Consistent with its commitment of service to the public, road service and assistance to distressed motorists is also provided.
Dispatch Telephone: | 404-351-1111 |
Office Telephone: | 404-351-8255 |
Corporate Accounts: | 404-351-8255 Ext. 103 |
Employment: | 404-351-8255 Ext. 105 |
Office Location: | 563 Trabert Avenue, NW Atlanta, GA 30309 |
Why Atlanta Checker Cab
Fast & Reliable GPS Dispatched Cars

Atlanta Checker Cab is able to locate a taxicab close to your location in a matter of moments with its state of the art GPS computer dispatching system from Mobile Knowledge.
GPS Computer Dispatching speeds up the process of taxis responding to orders by sending the closest vehicle. Atlanta Checker Cab uses the most advanced solution in the industry, improving service through dispatch automation and speedy exchange of information between drivers and the dispatch center.
We Are Atlanta Checker Cab
Atlanta's Premier
Taxicab Company
(404) 351-1111
24/7 we are at your
For any queries or requests, drop
us a line at info@atlantacheckercab.com