Order a Cab Now
This feature can be used to get a fare estimation and to order a cab now! Enter in your Pick-Up Location and Destination. You will receive a fare estimation with the options to Book Now or to Book Later.
Disclaimer: This is only an estimation, rates may vary.
Where Are You Headed?

$.30 ($2.40 a mile)

Sales Tax

Sales Tax

Sales Tax

$10 (min. fare)
Sales Tax
Get A Cab In Atlanta
To get a taxicab, please call us at 404-351-1111.
Atlanta Checker Cab is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
To insure prompt service, any advance reservation should be checked on at least one hour prior to your reservation time by calling our dispatcher at 404-351-1111.

Atlanta Checker Cabs are
Equipped with Safety Cameras

Computer Dispatched Cars
Download Our App

Book your taxi in just a few seconds!
Our app is easy to use and very user-friendly. Just choose your start and end location, select the car you like, and in just a few minutes we’ll be at your doorstep.
Download Now!
This app is available for: Android, iOS & Windows Mobile!
CityCab is reserving the rights to change prices, rates or vehicles.
Tell Us How We Are Doing
Please tell us about your experience with Atlanta Checker Cab. Please provide as much information as you can.
Looking for drivers to join our fleet
Atlanta Checker Cab is currently looking for experienced drivers to join our fleet. In order to inquire about available opportunities, please contact Tristan Hewatt at 404-351-8255 ext. 105, or email him at thewatt@atlantacheckercab.com.
All Drivers Are Independent Contractors.
Did you lose something in one of our taxis?
If you think you may have lost something in one of our vehicles, please contact us with information about your trip. If possible, please include:
Your Name
Your Contact Info (Number or Email)
Time/Date of Trip
Fare Number
Vehicle Number
Description of lost item
We are not liable for lost items
We will do our best to help you find your lost property
Items can be delivered back for a charge
Latest News
Atlanta Checker Cab has been serving the Metro Atlanta area since 1947 with involvement in community services, as well as passenger transport, package delivery, and corporate account services. A leader in public transportation, Atlanta Checker Cab has been internationally recognized with a number of national industry and operator awards. Consistent with its commitment of service to the public, the company has been recognized as the best cab company in Atlanta by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Atlanta Magazine.
Four Things About Uber You Wish You Never Knew
Georgia's First All-Electric Taxis
Advertise On Our Taxis Now!
Get your business known to thousands throughout the Metro Atlanta area by advertising with us in an actual Atlanta Checker Cab.
To learn more about advertising with Atlanta Checker Cab, visit our partners Firefly, or email them at sales@fireflyon.com.

$2 Off Your Next Cab Fare When You Ride With Atlanta Checker Cab
Any Cab Fare or Package Delivery
*One Coupon Per Customer Per Trip
Atlanta Checker Cab Company offers Corporate Accounts to companies who need reliable transportation alternatives. We provide the best service in Atlanta for all of your people and packages transportation needs.
Apply for a Corporate Account Today.